Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan
Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan
Law firms face a variety of risks. There are the natural disaster risks like fire, flood, and snowstorms, And then there are other risks like litigation from property damage or bodily injury or theft and data loss.
The key for firms to rise above all these risks is preparation. Your ability to recover quickly may differ in your firm’s survival.
The following four steps will hopefully help you prepare a sound law firm disaster recovery plan:
- Assess your risks. Before creating a plan to deal with potential disasters, you must know what they are. Take some time to think through the potential dangers your firm could face and how they could affect your operations.
- Prioritize functions. Deciding the proper order in which operations should be restored is another vital piece to your disaster recovery plan. For law firms, typically, the first two most important functions are ensuring the safety of your students and teachers and then finding a new place to hold class; if necessary, Proper insurance can go a long way towards helping with newly incurred expenses as well.
- Develop prevention and mitigation strategies Once you’ve determined your firm’s most essential functions, the next step is to develop strategies around them to prevent and mitigate the various types of disasters you may encounter.
- Test and maintain your plan. As hokey as it may sound, testing out your disaster recovery plan may differ in its success should a real catastrophe occur.
If you are interested in finding out more about how to implement a proper disaster recovery plan for your law firm, please feel free to reach out to our agency, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
As an agency that specializes in law firm insurance, we understand the risks you face daily and how to protect you from them.